Associated Student Body

Advisor: Garrett Benslay / Michelle Hayden

Associated Student Body, the club for student government. You can be elected to an ASB office, a Class office, or just come to the ASB meetings every other Thursday during the lunch hour. An easy way to get involved with the school and your class. ASB puts on the Formal, and hosts all the activities throughout the year.

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Black Student Union

Advisor: Jeffie Hickman

University High School's BSU (Black Student Union) Club shares information about Black culture and celebrates its impact on society. We hold meetings twice a month, every two weeks on Tuesdays, and we are affiliated with the State BSCU organization. Follow us on Instagram @unihigh.bsu for updates on club meetings and events!

California Scholarship Federation

Advisor: Cari Roche

C.S.F. (California Scholarship Federation) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to recognize and encourage academic achievement and community service among middle and high school students in California. Life Sealbearer Membership is designated at graduation with a gold cord and recognition pin. Life Sealbearer Membership requires membership 4 out of 6 semesters from grades 10th-12th (soph-sr), including at least 1 (one) semester as a Senior (based on senior grades & community service).


Advisor: Armando Murillo

The UHS Chess Club is our school’s official chess club. It is a student-run club that aims to promote an inclusive learning environment for every student at all skill levels. Join us for a fun game and an awesome time with your friends!


Advisors: Kat Dowis

Cooking club is a great way to learn about and participate in cooking! By joining cooking club, you will be able to learn more about food as well as try different foods others bring to potlucks. In the past, we have demonstrated making soup, crepes and ice cream. We have meetings about twice a month, with our first meeting being a demo and our second meeting being a potluck with a theme.

Creative Writing

Advisor: Dr. Larry Jarocki

The Creative Writing Club is a place for young writers to practice their craft. We meet weekly at lunch, where we practice our craft on short writing prompts, watch lectures on effective writing, and discuss upcoming writing opportunities and contests. We attend local writing conferences and take part in NaNoWriMo. It's a supportive environment where writers help other writers.


Advisor: Maria Monreal

Dungeons and Dragons

Advisor: Dr. David Gettman

The Dungeons and Dragons club meets once a week to play Dungeons and Dragons. There are usually 2 to 3 games going on simultaneously.


Advisor: Kat Dowis

The UHS Earth Group is all about learning about nature, environmental stewardship, sustainability and the climate crisis. They hope to bring environmentally minded students together to discuss issues that they are concerned about and help educate the community on how to be more sustainable. They also organize volunteer activities to plant trees, remove invasive species and other environmental issues. At meetings they present on topics including: renewable energy, wildflowers, at home sustainability, cool plants and animals, and much more. Meetings are usually once a month on Tuesdays at lunch.


Advisor: Sean Canfield

The UHS Finance Club is a student-run club led by Mr. Canfield tailored for high schoolers with interests in economics, finances, and investing. The focus of the club is to give students an understanding of financial literacy, through tracking and investing in stocks, managing financial aid for college, learning about cryptocurrency, and most importantly, how to make money.

Gender and Sexuality Alliance

Advisor: Rocio Fernandez

University High School's GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance) Club provides a safe place for the LGBTQ+ community and advocates/ educates on LGBTQ+ topics. Everyone is welcomed! We hold meetings every other Friday in room 209. Follow us on Instagram @universityhigh.gsa for updates on club meetings and events!

History Day

Advisor: Elizabeth Downer

"History Day is an excellent way for students to take each year’s theme and design both their own research project and choose how to present their arguments within seven different categories (historical papers, podcasts, documentaries, performances, websites, or exhibits). These projects will be entered into a series of competitions from the local to the national level, where they are evaluated by professional historians and educators. Meetings will be held with Mrs. Downer throughout the fall semester and History Day will be an intersession class, so that students will have ample time to complete their projects."

Honor Commission


The UHS Honor Commission is formed by a group of students from all grade levels that were first peer-nominated and then teacher-selected for upholding our school's Honor Code of being Understanding, Honorable, and Studious. Three students from each grade level work together to encourage good behavior amongst their peers and to brainstorm solutions to challenges on campus before they become disciplinary issues.


Advisor: Peter Johnson

The UHS Interact Club is our school's community service organization. Sponsored by the Fresno chapter of Rotary Club International, it is consistently one of the largest clubs on campus. Join us as we learn and have fun together while doing volunteer work for our school and for people out there in the community who could use our help!

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Advisors: Elizabeth Downer

At the Phoenix Post (a collaboration between the UHS Journalism Club and the UHS Multimedia Group), it is our mission to entertain our readers with various topics. In order to do this, Journalism Club members creatively write articles on a topic of their choice. We encoruage all UHS students to participate in the making of our newspaper through art, polls, and more!

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"The LIFE Club is a student-led fellowship that meets weekly for worship, Bible study, prayer, and fun! Our focus is to KNOW Jesus, to GROW in our walk with Him, and to SHOW His love to our community. All students are welcome!"

Multimedia Group

Advisor: Dr. Randall Cornelison

The UHS Multimedia group is committed to the teaching and learning of all forms of media capture. We use cameras and editing software in order to capture photos and video of the school's student body. Our main goal is to expand the digital archive of the school and to increase the production level of events. Whether you are a seasoned pro or just a beginner looking to try something new, we are here to help and would absolutely love to teach you!


Advisor: Peter Johnson

Great minds come in many different forms! The students in the UHS Neurodiversity Club recognize and celebrate the amazing diversity in the human mind. And, we hope to spread knowledge, understanding, and acceptance when it comes to neurodiverse people and the conditions that they have, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and a host of other possibilities. Join us as we learn, teach, and bond in an effort to make UHS a friendly and edifying place for people of all types of minds.


Advisor: Geni Bird

Our mission is to advocate for the destigmatization of mental health, make resources more available to students, and inform others that it is OK to struggle.

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Peer Mentors

Advisors: Geni Bird

The UHS Peer Mentor Program gives the opportunity for selected Juniors and Seniors to mentor incoming freshmen students. Each freshman has 3 assigned Peer Mentors that provide social and academic support throughout the school year. The goal of the Peer Mentor Program is to help our incoming UHS freshmen acclimate and build social bonds with their peers and upperclassman.

Red Cross

Advisor: Armando Murillo

The UHS Pre-Med Red Cross Club is a bimonthly, student-run club directed by Mr. Murillo designed to give an insight into the medical field. Primarily through guest speakers, volunteer events, and presentations, members are given an interactive opportunity to learn about the Pre-Med pathway, hear about possible careers, and ask direct questions to those who have succeeded in the respective fields! The Pre-Med Club is affiliated with the American Red Cross association and maintains volunteer connections with hospitals in the Fresno region.


Advisor: Garrett Benslay

UHS has two 26 foot sailboats on Millerton Lake. Mr. Benslay takes kids out on the boats when time allows. He also teaches the Sailing Elective which includes getting a Boater Safety Card from the state of California. In the elective we learn the ins and outs of the boats, and have a lot of fun swimming and sailing the lake.

Sikh Honors and Service Society

Advisor: Rebecca Ibrahim

Ski / Snowboarding

Advisor: Mark Roberts

During the UHS Winter Session, the ski and snowboard elective is one of the most popular choices. We travel by charter bus daily from UHS to China Peak or Badger Pass for fun in the snow and sun. Each participant receives a daily lesson, lunch, and the option to rent equipment. This elective is designed for all skill levels, from the "never-ever" to the bros and pros. Fees for this elective range from about $180 to $340 for usually eight days of activities.


Advisor: Garrett Benslay

Travel club is the club to be a part of to see the world! Every two years the Travel Club goes to several countries overseas. In 2022 we went to Switzerland, Italy, France and Spain. We take an educational tour of the different countries and learn about the culture, the people, and the food. We have a lot of fun in the process! Mr. Benslay is the group leader for these tours.


Advisors: Dr. Larry Jarocki

Memories of our school years are something that we will want to keep, and a yearbook is one of the best ways to preserve those for us. Here at UHS, most of each yearbook is designed and created by students - and we always need help! We are a club that also has both winter and spring intersession classes. Whether your talents lie in graphic design, photography, or writing, we need good people to put together a yearbook each year that all can cherish - and which our yearbook staff can be proud to have made.